Phoenix residents, are you certain you’ve covered every nook and cranny during your cleaning routine? Classic Clean Co brings you a reminder of the often-forgotten corners that deserve some attention, and how we provide the top general cleaning services in Phoenix to fill in any gaps you might miss. Let’s dive in!

1. Dusting and Wiping Down Furnishings and Decorations

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, furnishings and decorations can accumulate dust unnoticed. Those hard-to-reach or out-of-sight areas are prone to dust build-up. Fear not, within Classic Clean Co’s meticulous general cleaning service, we ensure every surface is dust-free, leaving your home refreshed and vibrant.

2. Cleaning Kitchen Appliances

The heart of your home, the kitchen, deserves special attention. Appliances like ovens, microwaves, and sinks often accumulate grime that’s easy to forget. Our team of cleaners will step in to prevent overwhelming build-ups, ensuring your kitchen remains a hygienic and pleasant space without any unsightly appearances or odors.

3. Vacuuming

Dragging out the vacuum, clearing the floor, and moving furniture—yes, it’s a task. But worry not, our cleaning team takes the chore out of your hands. We handle the vacuuming with efficiency, ensuring your floors are pristine without any hassle on your part.

4. Windows and Mirrors

Ever forget to appreciate your own reflection in a crystal-clear mirror? Or perhaps you’ve missed the chance to enjoy the splendid views outside your window. Classic Clean Co reminds you not to overlook these details. Regular window and mirror cleaning are part of our comprehensive services, letting you bask in the beauty both inside and outside your home.

Don’t let these commonly forgotten areas slip your mind. Classic Clean Co’s expert team is here to ensure every corner of your home receives the care it deserves, all provided within our general cleaning services packages. Contact us today to schedule your first cleaning.